Smart Home Technology
In addition to making modifications to the home with safety items like grab bars, a ramp, or smart home technology can be a great addition offering safety features and ease of use; for items such as lighting, door locks, thermostats, appliances, and home security systems.
Smart technology can also provide peace of mind to family members who want to stay connected with loved ones aging in place. Sensors can alert a family member living across the country that their loved one is up and out of bed for the day; this can reduce or eliminate the need for frequent calls.
Virtual assistants such as Amazon Echo, Google Home, or Siri can also provide ways to stay connected to loved ones via video calling, allowing friends and family to communicate with each other in real time. These devices can also act as a companion to combat loneliness and isolation.
Contact us to learn more about how smart home technology can keep you safe and in your home!